Metodo di Trasformazione Naturale e Sistema di Micro-climatizzazione Brevettato
The natural and patented Cuomo® Method allows to monitor the physical and chemical state of foods during the transformation process by continuously measuring fermentative processes and pH. With the sole application of physical principles, it develops through the patent N° EP 2769276B1 Sicur Food Control® for the control and management of food processing, in a closed, mobile or fixed environment.
The Cuomo® Method thus makes it possible to extend food shelf life, in compliance with all current regulations on food safety, in a natural way and without artificial preservatives, placing itself on the world market as the only one able to guarantee a product that is matured, safe, legal and valued. Coming to the heart of the food, it implements a process able to improve the nutraceutical qualities, the healthiness and the organoleptic qualities of the meat (in terms of tenderness and juiciness) in its possible maturation times, short, medium or long.

The legislation
The latest legislation on food quality and safety and, in particular, the meat sector, impose very high quality standards on all operators in the sector, who increasingly rely on the latest food technologies to control and manage the process of food processing. Manufacturers and distributors must go beyond traceability and ensure a transformation process that is compliant and does not compromise consumer health.
Research and development
The new technologies, developed in symbiosis with the research institutes of the most important universities in the world, are in line with the mandatory regulations; provide industry operators with the opportunity to guarantee a certified product. However, it is necessary to refer to patented technologies that can guarantee compliance with regulations in terms of safety and legality. Technologies that can turn a threat into a great opportunity for specialization and professional growth. The scientific synergy between device and method ensures the production and maturation performance of the processing plant, guaranteeing a product that can be safe, genuine, legal. And it is precisely on the synergy between elements that the Cuomo® Method is based, industrial invention patent N° EP 2769276B1 issued by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and integrated in the machines identified with the Stagionello® Maturmeat® and Pesciugatore® brands.
Applied to the device with software control and management of food storage and / or transformation in a closed or mobile closed environment, the Cuomo® Method allows to monitor the physical and chemical state of the meat during the process (bacterial alterations, acidification, pH, etc.) and satisfies thus the international food safety standards of the most important global distribution chains.
It intervenes in a revolutionary way on the automatic management and the sequential control of all the phases of food processing (curing of cured meats and cheeses, maturation of meat, smoking of fish) with a continuous measurement of fermentative processes and pH value.
Microclimate algorithm, which triggers and governs protein maturation, is entirely natural; it does not limit itself to contemplating a certain temperature or a given percentage of humidity, easily reproducible with a normal refrigeration room. The method communicates scientifically and directly with the food, reproducing a series of microclimates that are ideal for the processing of cured meats, meat, fish and cheeses in a traditional way, without adding chemicals.
It automatically regulates and governs the physical parameters such as temperature, humidity, ventilation and Ph, recreating an environment inside and outside the healthy and genuine food, which guarantees safe meats and the non-proliferation of dangerous molds and / or non-compliant with international food safety regulations.
Alessandro Cuomo, holds the title of Inspector S.G.Q. ISO 9001, ISO 22000, and is authorized to issue certified validations for foods and processes of NSF-CECKFRUIT International Food processing and for BRC-IFS retail.
Activities of the Food Design Manager
- Applied research;
- Study of new food products;
- Training of industrial technicians;
- Design and validation of customized transformation processes;
- Analytical controls: offers support and advice to companies in order to improve the quality and safety of food products.