Protagonist at the international trade fair Host 2019 in Milan was the inventiveness of Made in Italy, together with the race to obtain the licenses for production and marketing of Italian machinery and technologies: this has also happened for Alessandro Cuomo’s invention of the device and method for food maturation at a safe and naturally controlled pH.
There was plenty of international companies willing to meet the inventor Cuomo, who presented the convention “The meat does not hurt, matured is better” at the HOST 2019 event. In this frame he deepened the impact of Cuomo Method® on production and consumption processes of meat foods in the world, both in terms of health, ethics and history and culture, together with veterinarians, medical researchers, Federcarni, trade associations and international ambassadors of Italian haute cuisine.
The requests of international investment groups will now be examined by specialized consultants, in view to realize future national and international industrial and/or commercial partnerships. The aim is to start soon the production and distribution of machinery able to apply Cuomo Method® within different national and international markets.
At Host 2019 first class production companies have definitively distinguished the technology of matured meat preserving machinery from the innovative Cuomo’s technology, which is a technology specifically dedicated to the professional maturation of meat, fish and sausages, also applicable to small machines to be housed in restaurants, butchers and supermarkets.
The Cuomo Method® currently remains the first technology on the market, able to boast two industrial invention patents, related to both the device and the method for food maturation with safe and controlled pH. A method “unique in the world”, certified on January 23rd 2019 by the EPO (European Patent Office) with the European patent for industrial invention N.EP2769276B1.